Wolof / English : A Memory of the Future
Wolof / English : Capture the invisible to make it visible.
2015. SCREENSHOT 2500x1600 RGB
2015. SCREENSHOT 2500x1600 RGB
Wolof / English : We are together!
2015. SCREENSHOT 2500x1600 RGB
2015. SCREENSHOT 2500x1600 RGB
2015. SCREENSHOT 2500x1600 RGB
Wolof / English : I came from somewhere else.
Wolof / English : Fragments of trajectories.
2015. SCREENSHOT 2500x1600 RGB
2015. SCREENSHOT 2500x1600 RGB
Wolof / English : What are you doing?
2015. SCREENSHOT 2500x1600 RGB
2015. SCREENSHOT 2500x1600 RGB
Wolof / English : Come to taste!
Wolof / English : Life is movements!
2015. SCREENSHOT 2500x1600 RGB.
2015. SCREENSHOT 2500x1600 RGB


ARCHIVES 2014-2015

Assisted by Mister « Vieux Cissé »
Texts Translation by Sidy Mohamed Kandji
Material used : Matte black and white acrylic paint. Paint brushes
Letter seize 01 : 133,8 cm high
Letter seize 02 : 93,6 cm high
Font used : Mydriasis 1.0
Location : Dakar, Senegal
Public space project made for Biennale DAK’ART 2014
Currated by Pascal Obolo
Producer : AFRIKADAA
Co-Producer : Association « Les petites pierres ». Dakar, Senegal